Neil Watts
Neil Watts' Megumeru is a masterpiece that was possibly ahead of its time. Whereas many maps tend to focus on snap aim and clean visuals, Neil's map employs a more rough approach to it, frequently switching between flow aim and snap aim as the map progresses.

Whereas other mappers may attempt to blanket sliders that are close together for visual structure, or use other techniques such as parallelism, Neil's map instead prioritizes the movement aspect and how it feels to move across these sliders.

This aim style ambiguity, combined with the focus on movement over visuals, would be some of the defining ideas that would shape movement-centric mapping in the future.
Neil is also the mapper of a special version of Bad Apple. I love unusual songs like this since they bring personality to osu! and separate it from other rhythm games with your typical "rhythm game songs".

I also like the storyboard since it tells a story, whereas newer storyboards tend to rely on special effects instead.