Over time I collected a lot of mapping-related stuff. These links may or may not be useful to you, and I don't guarantee the accuracy of anything here.
Some people have dedicated spreadsheets of osu! mapping history, useful for mappers newer to the game.
Mapping contests are a great way to get feedback on your maps without having to find someone that likes the song.
We can study maps based on the skills needed in order to beat them.
Some mappers like making generic maps. Here's how.
Currently there's no way to sort beatmaps by year ranked in the osu! client. This fixes that.
Have you ever wanted to know how many mapsets are ranked per month? How many total ranked mapsets there are for each game mode? This page covers just that.
Most of the osu! community uses Discord. Here are some useful Discord invites that should work.
- Community Beatmapping Contest
- Modding Mentorship
- Cozy Mappers' Cafe
- The Timing Temple
- Audio Quality Assurance
- Mapset Management Server
Beatmap Nominator
Without these people none of your favorite maps would've ever been ranked.
- Official BN website
- BNStats by -Keitaro
Mapping Tools
Mapping Tools has some issues such as uncaught errors, but it's pretty good at making the lives of mappers easier. All other tools basically became obsolete because of it.
Mapset Verifier
Mapset Verifier completely changed the way of osu! modding and made modding way easier than it was in the past.
- Mapset Verifier by Naxess
Timing is important since you can't map a song otherwise.
- Advanced Timing by Charles445
- variable timing tutorial by over_loadcode
Hitsounds are a necessary part of every map. Although some people like the default hitsounds, you may want to use custom ones too.
- Foxy's Sample Pack
- Lasse's Hitsound Pack
- Dora-'s Hitsound Library
- LKs Hitsounds
- blank.wav (for silent sliderslides and stuff)
Modding has been a fundamental part of osu! since its creation. Here are some guides made by modders just like you!
The art of the slider is a very complicated subject matter. Indeed, mappers have been trying to create lists of sliders throughout history. Here's some of them.
There's some great content on the wiki, so take advantage of it!
There are a lot of solid mapping guides on the forums, the only problem is some of them don't have images anymore.
- Mapping/Modding: Guide Compendium (some information is outdated but still relevant)
- Community Mentorship Program Discussion Compendium (the mentorship program has changed since then)
- What makes a good Hard Diff map ? answered by lewski
- can mapping be considered as art? answered by lewski
Halfslashed has made a variety of discussions when it comes to mapping.
Social media
A lot of the osu! playerbase uses Twitter, so it has become a popular repository for some mapping knowledge.
- Focal element by over_loadcode
Some osu!mappers have decided to become content creators on YouTube. This is useful if you like watching videos.
Not links but useful
- Someone posted this in the Cozy Mappers' Cafe discord, which I think is relevant.

- Cool picture of visual spacing, most experienced mappers do what's on the left.

- Here's a screenshot from an old client so you can see how the editor looked then.

- Apparently there's something called the "golden ratio in tech mapping", although I am unfamiliar with this subject.