

long rant from yesterday but the tl;dr is that I don't like how industrial the nomination process is

in contrast I believe the act of mapping itself allows for far greater intellectual freedom

I feel like part of the reason why so many ranked maps look the same could be because of an "industrialization effect" where mappers intentionally map a certain way to make the nomination process easier for them

whether intentionally or not, these mappers end up following a certain set of rules that increase the chances of certain nominators being interested in their sets (at least until they get to the point where the nominator will nominate anything regardless of the style used)

more on the industrial part: I also dislike how BNs can be "thrown away" if they're not useful

traditionally the BAT position meant you loved maps and wanted to push maps to the ranked section with bubble/heart/flame icons

the modern nomination process feels less personal than the BAT era and BNs aren't kept because of their love for mapping, but rather for their ability to perform a certain amount of activity per month

I dislike this mindset since BNs are effectively "nomination bots" in this sense, although as you know there are some BNs with more passion for the game than others

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