
2021-11-04 thought this set was interesting it's a meme song though lol

this is a good example of connections theory in action and I think a lot of newer maps end up looking like this

connections theory 1

would be another example with different slider shapes

connections theory 2

if you recall halgoh is one of the main people of connections theory and made which is in a similar style to the maps above

halgoh connections theory

I think the main way to execute connections theory successfully is to 1. use diverse slider shapes and 2. overlap large sliders in different directions

halgoh connections theory 2

blankets are also important, here's another one of halgoh's maps

halgoh connections theory blankets

sliders like this are super common in this style

halgoh connections theory sliders


halgoh connections theory sliders 2

remember you can use mapping tools to copy any slider you want and it'll automatically make it the correct timing for any song you wanna map

dunno if halgoh does it by hand but you don't have to make every slider by hand if mapping tools helps you map faster with a library of nice-looking sliders

putting a long slider between 2 other sliders is extremely common in connections theory (note the slider shape of 2), map is

connections theory example pattern

usually these maps are slider-heavy since all the sliders are supposed to feel connected

is another example of overlapping large sliders in different directions

connections theory example pattern 2

I highlighted more objects so you can see what this mapper is doing with the structure of everything around here but the biggest thing is 1 and 6 (in the olc school of thought this is the "focal element" of this part of the map)


connections theory example pattern 3

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