Set theory in osu!
A set (also known as beatmapset) is a collection of beatmaps.
Set theory in osu! relates to how a set as a whole is perceived. When players find your map in song select, how do they feel?
Full spread
A full spread is a set that consists of all difficulties for osu! players. Mappers tend to disagree with what defines a full spread, although common definitions include ENHI, ENHIX, NHI, and NHIX.

Some reasons for ENHIX as the definition of full spread include:
- Since players have gotten better over time, it's nice to have a difficulty above Insane in mapsets
- Due to the unique nature of how Easy difficulties are mapped, a set may not feel complete without one
Solo spread
A solo spread is when all difficulties in the set are made by the mapset host.

Solo spread is ideal when:
- You want players to play your maps and your maps only when they play the set
- You want to use a specific concept across all difficulties of the set
Collab set
A collab set is when part or all of the set is done in collaboration.

Examples of collab sets include:
- When all difficulties are a collab between two mappers
- When the top difficulty of a set is a collab
GD set
A GD set is when all of the difficulties in a set are done by different mappers.

- Mappers that specialize in mapping a certain way can bring unique content to the set
- The mapset host can focus on improving their difficulty instead of making new ones
Mixed set
A mixed set is one that features both GDs and more than one map made by the mapset host.

Some reasons mixed sets occur include:
- The mapset host wants to invite certain mappers to participate in their set
- The mapset host may not be interested in making other difficulties
High diffs only
A mapset that doesn't include an Easy or Normal is said to be high diffs only.

Common high diffs only sets include:
- Longer songs where the mapper wants to create a sense of difficulty
Low diffs only
A mapset that excludes Insane and above is said to be low diffs only.

Common low diffs only sets include:
- Slower songs that don't support complex rhythms
One difficulty
A mapset that consists of no more than one beatmap is said to be one difficulty.

One difficulty sets are ideal when:
- The song is long (e.g. marathon) and making other difficulties would take a while
- You want the player to feel like there's only one difficulty they have to clear
Published: July 12, 2021
Last Updated: July 12, 2021